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Business Guides (7)

How Personal Trainers Can Create Multiple Streams of Income and Find Financial Freedom

How To Avoid The Time-Money Trap Of One-To-One Personal Training with Chris Dufey - PT COREntrepreneur Podcast

When personal trainers are just beginning in the industry, they often find themselves working around 60 hours-a-week on one-to-one training with clients. Because these trainers are only earning when they are with their clients, they fall into a time-money trap where their income is tied to the schedule of their clients. This can cause trainers to neglect themselves and their loved ones as they find themselves constantly in the gym and training people in order to earn money.

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Secrets to Becoming a Powerful Leader in the Fitness Industry

Learning To Become A Leader, with Jonathan Bowman-Perks - PT COREntrepreneur Podcast

It's only natural for every personal trainer to want to have as much influence and success in the fitness industry as possible. However, many personal trainers don't really know how to go about becoming leaders who command respect and high incomes. There are certain plans that you can put in place in order to maximise your earning potential and influence in the fitness world.

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5 Tips for Wellness Business Owners to Improve Your Brand’s Instagram Presence (Part 2)

Social media platforms have become more than just a place where people can share personal photos and videos with family and friends. With more and more businesses using it as a way to connect with new and existing customers, Instagram is becoming one of the highest-value marketing tools. Last week we shared part one of this two-part series on how to improve your wellness business’ Instagram presence. Today we share part two, with another 5 tips to really get your business going in the world of social media!  

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