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Business Guides (6)

Spruce Up Your Wellness Business' Office Space for Better Productivity and Customer Experience (Part 1)

Small business owners will have to take control of multiple aspects of their business including marketing, sales, finance and accounting (just to name a few). When you have the responsibility of wearing so many hats, it’s easy to oversee some of the more minute details that could make a huge impact on not only your own productivity in your work place but also in the way that your customers perceive your business. 

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5 Tips for Wellness Business Owners to Improve Your Brand’s Instagram Presence (Part 2)

Social media platforms have become more than just a place where people can share personal photos and videos with family and friends. With more and more businesses using it as a way to connect with new and existing customers, Instagram is becoming one of the highest-value marketing tools. Last week we shared part one of this two-part series on how to improve your wellness business’ Instagram presence. Today we share part two, with another 5 tips to really get your business going in the world of social media!  

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