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Health & Wellness

Your Cheat Sheet for Running a Successful Wellness Business

An Expert Guide To Choosing Shoes For Your Feet

The quest for the ideal pair of shoes is crucial to maintaining foot health and overall comfort and support, and more importantly, reduces the risk of foot injuries. Whether you are an avid athlete, a fashion enthusiast, or looking for everyday comfort, choosing the proper footwear is essential. This guide will explore key factors to consider when selecting shoes that suit your feet, ensuring a perfect fit for every occasion. Here are some valuable tips from Jackie Tey, Chief Podiatrist from Straits Podiatry. 

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Are You Burned Out or Just Not Sleeping Well?

Are You Burned Out or Just Not Sleeping Well?

Feeling exhausted and overwhelmed is common in our fast-paced, high-demand world. Who doesn't feel stretched thin every now and then? However, it's crucial to differentiate between burnout and poor sleep, as both significantly impact our health and well-being. While they may share similar symptoms, the underlying causes and solutions differ. Let's delve into the science behind burnout and sleep deprivation to help you understand what might be affecting you.

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Stress and Anxious? Here Are 5 Ways Chiropractic Can Help You.

Stress and Anxious? Here Are 5 Ways Chiropractic Can Help You.

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, stress and anxiety have become almost inevitable companions for many. The toll on our mental well-being can be overwhelming, from work pressures to personal challenges. While traditional approaches like counselling and medication are well-established, chiropractic care is an alternative path gaining attention. Here are 5 ways chiropractic techniques may offer relief from stress and anxiety.

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Here's Why You Should Set Intentions For 2024, Not Resolutions.

Here's Why You Should Set Intentions For 2024, Not Resolutions.

The start of a new year often inspires a collective desire for positive change. Instead of traditional resolutions that may fade by February, consider adopting a more mindful approach by setting intentions for the coming year. Intentions are like guideposts, providing direction and focus for personal growth. Here are 4 reasons why setting intentions can lead to a more sustainable and fulfilling journey of self-improvement this 2024.

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Are You Living Your True Self? What To Know About Imposter Syndrome

Have you always wondered about that colleague of yours who worked on everyone’s stuff silently, and you’re always amazed at their abilities to meet impossible deadlines, and yet confused by their constant denial of their abilities and how they talk about being lousy or just lucky, and that they are always nervous? 

Or do you find yourself constantly second-guessing yourself even though you know you got this? You worry about keeping an alternative façade to different groups of people, at work, with your friends or in public. You fret about making mistakes even to your date or loved ones, thinking any slip-ups may cause a change in how they think about you. This is all caused by one phenomenon.

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