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4 Benefits of Using Props to Enhance Your Pilates Matwork Programme

If you’ve ever attended a Pilates Matwork with Props class, you're probably pretty familiar with props such as magic circles, Thera bands, foam rollers, mini balls, Bosu balls and barres.

Ever wondered why these props are used and how they contribute to enhancing your workout? In this article, the team at Advantage Pilates share 4 benefits of pilates props! 

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Did Strangers Become Friends? Table For Two’s Social Experiment Round-Up

Friend /frɛnd/ (noun): one who listens; doesn’t judge and somehow makes everything all right. 

In early June, we shared about Table For Two’s social experiment which invited a group of ladies and men to participate in a social experiment, From Strangers to Friends, a curated one-on-one virtual meeting. Participants were matched based on age groups and results from a short personality test.

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