The breath. From the second we let out our very first cry, until our final moments on earth; we tend to use this incredible gift without any thought. Yet, the power of conscious breathing is truly remarkable.
Your body has just encountered one of the most remarkable things it will probably ever go through: growing another human being inside of it. Throughout your pregnancy, you most likely had to adjust your eating and lifestyle to facilitate the growth and development of your baby.
Don’t be fooled by its appearance; this futuristic-looking capsule is not a fancy tanning bed. Rather, it’s a whole-body light pod that does practically anything you can possibly imagine to help you rejuvenate, relax and recover - in just 20 minutes. Did we mention that the NovoTHOR we are lucky enough to have in Singapore is the only one in Asia?
Thanks to advancements in Nutritional Sciences, we now know that our genes play an important role in how our lifestyle and diet affects our health. Nutrigenomics is a new paradigm based on the scientific principles of biochemistry. It studies the relationship between genes, nutrition and health.
The same way someone with a sickness such as a cold or flu would need extra love and support, one suffering from a mental health condition needs it too. We understand that it can be hard knowing what to do or say to show your support to those suffering and that this can leave you feeling helpless at times.
Mindful resilience is the capacity to remain actively aware, creatively productive, constantly learning, happy and effective in life and at work, even when faced with pressure, stress, and tension from both within our mind and from our external environment.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a powerful psychotherapy treatment. This is a technique that has been highly effective in helping people deal with trauma, anxiety, panic, disturbing memories, post-traumatic stress, and many other debilitating emotional problems.
Running is a popular form of exercise, however, many runners fall victim to common injuries such as sprained ankles and pulled groins that occur from frequently doing it.
An understanding of pre-run nutrition is useful for runners of any caliber. Fuelling yourself with the right kind of food before a race can help you run fast and feel good while doing it (and also prevent you from having an upset stomach later on)!