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Fitness (4)

4 Benefits of Using Props to Enhance Your Pilates Matwork Programme

If you’ve ever attended a Pilates Matwork with Props class, you're probably pretty familiar with props such as magic circles, Thera bands, foam rollers, mini balls, Bosu balls and barres.

Ever wondered why these props are used and how they contribute to enhancing your workout? In this article, the team at Advantage Pilates share 4 benefits of pilates props! 

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10 Unconventional Motivation Tips To Help You Stick & Stay Committed To Your Workout Routine

If you’ve found it difficult to stick to a fitness routine in the past, don’t feel discouraged because it’s incredibly common. Rather, focus your energy on doing what it takes to stay committed this time around by etching fitness into your lifestyle. That way, rather than being something you need to get done everyday, it’ll become something you can’t imagine life without! 

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4 Effective Ways to Make Your At-Home Exercise Routines More Challenging Without Weights

With no news of gyms reopening anytime soon, at-home workouts will continue to remain a part of our fitness routines in the weeks to come. While many of you are doing your best to make the most out of minimal or no-equipment workouts, it might be disheartening to feel helplessly unable to physically challenge yourself without your usual gym equipment and think that you’re losing progress with every day that goes by. 

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