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How Content Marketing Can Improve Fitness & Wellness Businesses

How is content marketing different from all the other types of marketing? It helps to think of content marketing as a smarter, more surgical discipline than traditional marketing. Traditional marketers lacked nuanced tools, so they just threw everything up against the wall and hoped something would stick. That approach basically amounted to using a blunt object instead of a scalpel to perform surgery. No matter how brilliant the campaign, if it never reached the right audience, it could only be so effective.

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Functional Medicine: An Answer to Optimum Health & Fighting Chronic Health Disease

Functional Medicine addresses the underlying causes of disease and addresses it as a whole person, not just an isolated set of symptoms. Practitioners spend time with their patients and use cutting-edge functional testing to listen to their history and look at the interactions among genetic, nutrition, environmental, and lifestyle factors that can influence long-term health and complex, chronic disease.

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How truSculpt flex Can Help Supplement Your Fitness Routine

The use of electrical muscle stimulation (EMS), which is the elicitation of muscle contraction using electrical impulses, has been around for many years. Recent advancements in these technologies have gained an increasing amount of attention due to their potential to improve muscle function, augment and optimise the training performance of athletes, and sculpt the physiques of healthy individuals alike.

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