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About Razz

Razz conducts personal training - creating customized programmes for each individual to achieve their fitness goals (hypertrophy, weight loss, and fat loss) through resistance training, and teaching mind-muscle connection to activate the correct muscles for every exercise.

He believes that the public may have a different perspective on health and fitness which may be misleading and produce little to no results and that with proper guidance in training, anyone is able to achieve their fitness goals and become a better version of themselves. 

Connect with Razz on Instagram.

What Customers Say


"Since I started my training with Razz, I feel healthier, energised, and much more confident about myself. I feel stronger and I'm noticing my posture is getting better too.

Razz believed in me more than I believe in myself. I thank Razz for his motivation and constant encouragement and for being flexible with my schedule as well. The feedback he gives me after every session keeps me motivated and helps with my future performance. 

I am inspired to be on this fitness journey with Razz! He's truly a professional and I am very grateful for him."

Narin Dhillon (left) 
Personal training client 


"I have had many trainers before throughout my fitness journey but only until I met Razz, who has made me really understand what is resistance training. He coaches me well on overall health, ensuring that I follow a sustainable method that is realistic and suitable for my busy lifestyle. Razz is attentive during our sessions, he is strict to every detail on lifting techniques, ensuring safe training. He goes that extra mile by sending me reminders to have proper nutrition and recovery, and I can say that no one really cares about your health state more than your coach. I have significantly gained progress since I started training with Razz, physically and mentally stronger with confidence. Razz is a reliable and knowledgeable coach, training with him have made me understand the importance of overall health and I would recommend him."

Sunil Chulani (left) 
Personal training client