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About Somnus Sleep Wellness

Somnus Sleep Wellness comprises a group of psychologists with over 40 years of collective experience in research and practice related to improving sleep.

They offer workshops and courses that have been shown scientifically to relieve insomnia and increase sleep quality, including their signature Mindfulness For Sleep Wellness course.

They also offer consultations for those who prefer a targeted approach to their sleep issues.

Connect with Somnus Sleep Wellness and find out more on their website.


Julian Lim

Dr Julian Lim is the co-founder and Lead Sleep Psychologist of Somnus Sleep Wellness Studio. He graduated with a PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania in 2010 and has conducted psychological research for over 20 years.

From 2015-2022, he was Assistant Professor at Duke-NUS Medical School and subsequently at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine at the National University of Singapore (NUS). During this time, he pioneered the use of mindfulness-based treatments to improve sleep health in Singapore and led an initiative to increase public awareness of these treatment options.

Dr Lim is regarded internationally as an expert in the areas of mindfulness and sleep, with over 40 peer-reviewed publications and a position on the editorial board of the scientific journal Mindfulness. He is currently an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Psychology at NUS.

Erim Lim

Eric Lim

Mr. Eric Lim is the co-founder of Somnus Sleep Wellness. He is the second Certified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Teacher in Singapore, conferred by the Mindfulness Center at Brown University School of Public Health, in collaboration with UMASS Memorial Health Care’s Center for Mindfulness.

From 2014-2023, he spearheaded Brahm Centre’s curriculum development and research on mindfulness and was also the Head of Systems.

He has previously worked with over 10,000 individuals across all ages and delivered mindfulness courses, workshops and talks to professions from education, government, financial and social service sectors on stress reduction and sleep wellness. In 2017, Eric was awarded the Young Model Caregiver (Merit) Award by AWWA as well as a Social and Health Manpower Development Programme Fellowship by the Ministry of Health.


John Yu

Mr. John Yu graduated with a Master of Psychology (Clinical) degree from the James Cook University Singapore.

His prior experience in the public and private sector as a researcher, trainer, and practitioner has shaped his attitude of being curious, engaging, and authentic in his interactions with clients and stakeholders. He also enjoys working with youths, having run numerous workshops and discussion groups in school settings.

John adopts evidence-based approaches in his work with individuals across the lifespan. He believes that every client has the potential to progress towards their desired goals and values with time, flexibility, and hope.

He is particularly interested in the intersection of digital habits and sleep health, as well as developing behavioural solutions for new concerns such as maladaptive media use and bedtime procrastination.