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OMNI Strength and Performance

About OMNI Strength and Performance

OMNI Strength and Performance are more than just your fitness service provider. They are invested in your goals and making sure you are equipped with the skills needed to sustain positive lifestyle changes. 

As proponents of long-term results over instant transformation, OMNI Strength and Performance ensure the provision of the attention and care needed for sustainable results, which they believe can and should be translated to everyday lifestyle by focusing on the fundamentals of training and food choices. 

OMNI Strength and Performance’s mission is to help you discover your fullest potential, and be the best version of yourself.

Connect with OMNI Strength and Performance on their website, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn.


Cheah Boon Chong

Boon Chong was Malaysia’s karate national champion winning a silver medal in the team event at the Asian Karate Federation Championships in 2007. He spent 7 years in the National Sports Institute of Malaysia as a Strength & Conditioning coach. Apart from coaching high-performance athletes, he has more than a decade of experience in personal training and group training. His goal is to empower his clients to maintain a healthy lifestyle through exercise and making good food choices.

Evy Bellina

Evy Bellina

Evy has been in the fitness industry for over a decade. She is driven and relentless in helping people live better through fitness and wellness. She also runs destination retreats in Bali and conducts outdoor fitness boot camps for groups and individuals. She specialises in body recomposition (fat loss, muscle gain) as well as strength and conditioning.


Johan Buckell

Johan has been in the fitness industry for 13 years. Like most people, he ventured into it as he was overweight and wanted to learn how to look and feel better. He began as a personal trainer for 6 years. 

In time, he developed a keen interest in biomechanics, anatomy and movements and hence spent another 7 years in the Pilates field. 

Now integrating both methodologies in my sessions, Johan helps clients to approach their lifestyle and training in a more holistic and balanced manner to achieve optimum mobility, stability and strength.


Jonathan Sukartio

Jonathan was a competitive swimmer competing in Pol-ITE games and representing his club in international meets. With his passion for sports and sound academic background in Sports and Exercise Science, he is committed to applying the knowledge and experience in helping people reach their performance and physique goals.

Beyond physical transformation, he believes the biggest lasting impact one will benefit from the process is forging mental strength that will carry over to all areas in life.


Gerald Wang

Gerald is an aspiring powerlifter who used to struggle with his physique and confidence. Growing up, he was a typical ectomorph (skinny) and felt weak until he started training with weights. What started mostly as a self-taught journey, he slowly found his passion in strength training. Truly walking the talk, he has transformed himself both physically and mentally through training and nutrition.

Gerald has been a vegetarian for 13 years and is still going strong, proving that it is possible to build muscle with proper planning. With his experience, he aspires to help others go through such growth through proper exercise execution and nutrition. He is currently pursuing a specialised course in Anatomy and Biomechanics in hopes of further equipping himself in delivering the most effective training to clients.


Sixx Ng

Coach Sixx has been in the fitness industry for 8 years, with experience ranging from being a personal trainer with Ultimate Performance, to being the founding head coach at Orangetheory Fitness. She is known to be an outstanding coach and one of the most sought after trainers as people absolutely love training with her! She has a knack for empowering her clients to achieve more than what they thought possible - from fat loss to first chin up, to learning to trust themselves among others.

Her own fitness journey began with being an avid runner to get fitter for the army. She then transitioned to training in the gym through strength training and CrossFit. Through her struggles to get fitter and stronger, she learned more about her body, recovered and rehabilitated many different injuries and experienced the psychological highs and lows that one experiences on their fitness journey. She uses these as a learning experience, and as such, makes a great effort to train people in a safe, calculated and effective manner.

One of the best things about Sixx is that she truly believes that everybody has a quality in them that will help them become better. She is one of the best coaches for building self-belief and getting people to achieve their ambitions.

Her qualifications include:

  • BSc in Sports Coaching, University of Wolvehampton
  • Diploma in Sports and Exercise Science, Blackburn College
  • Advanced Certificate in Nutrition and Health, The Plaskett International College
  • CrossFit Level 1 and 2 Trainer, CrossFit Inc.
  • Professional Coach Training Program Module 1, Executive Coach International
  • Training Pregnant and Post Natal Clients, Fitness Innovations Ltd
  • Biomechanical Assessment, Strength Sensei
  • Mastery of Program Design, Strength Sensei
  • Neural Profile Based Program Design, Strength Sensei
  • IKFF Teacher Level 1, International Kettlebell and Fitness Federation


Richa Shridhar
Richa has been in the fitness industry for nearly 8 years and has undertaken the ACE Personal Trainer Course. Starting with her own fitness journey which is her lifestyle now, she has been training clients for more than 5 years as a freelance PT in few exclusive gyms in Singapore. Through Core collective, British Club and other gyms - she has been guiding clients through a thorough process. She assesses her clients to measure current levels, goals and lifestyle to personalise and easy to implement yet challenging and enjoyable training regimen. The focus is on effectiveness to help the clients reach their goals. 
She puts confidence in thinking that with the right mindset, lifestyle and guidance anyone can achieve their dream fitness levels. Besides personal training and assisting in the workout sessions, she will also teach and guide you to handle your meals and macros. This will help you make a complete plan across diets and workouts - incorporating into your daily life for maximum effectiveness. 
Richa's main area of expertise is strength and conditioning. She believes in  the motto - Fitness is not a goal, its a lifestyle.


What Customers Say

Testimonial of Vehn

"Training with OMNI Strength & Performance has made it simple and effective.

I am properly guided in nutrition and made understood how it plays a crucial part in training and the whole transformation process. I am now much more confident and energetic!"

Vehn won 3 gold medals in SEA Masters Swimming Competition and was recently Bali Ocean Swim's Masters Champion. Under OMNI Strength and Performance, his strength training program was focused on improving his swim performance to complement his structured swim training. He managed to shave off 5mins from the previous year in the recent competition win.

Ang Zhing Vehn (right)
Personal Training client

Testimonial of Eva

"For years I have been struggling with severe knee pain when exercising, due to an old running injury. My objective when joining OMNI Strength & Performance was to find ways to re-gain my strength and fitness level, while managing my pain.

This is my first time training with a personal trainer, so I was sceptical at the beginning. However, I started to quickly see results and was surprised to be able to do exercises I had not done in years. OMNI Strength and Performance took care to find the right approach for my condition as well as timely adjustments to the program as we went along. This allowed me to make significant progress within a relatively short period of time. I also valued the calm coaching style, which made for intense yet fun sessions together.

The training has definitely improved my quality of life. I am finally able to enjoy exercising again and have also found a healthier nutritional balance."

Eva Weber (left)
Personal Training client