
Health & Wellness Coaches: Who Are They & How Can They Help You?

Written by Core Collective | Sep 26, 2022 1:00:00 AM

Picture the following scenario: You decide it’s time to take control of your health and improve your overall well-being – a healthy diet, better sleep, more exercise, and improved work-life balance. You start out highly motivated and manage to follow through the first few days or even a week… then life happens. A busy work week, kids fall sick, a business trip, or other activities that call for your time and attention, and in the blink of an eye, you slip back into your old habits.

Sounds familiar? It happens to most of us.


Sadly, those who have trudged through this journey and want to make healthy lifestyle changes often do not manage to achieve their goal or were not able to come to fruition with what they had set out to change. 

This leads to finding more effective solutions, including engaging with professionals like Health and Wellness Coaches, Life Coaches, therapists, and whatnot. Here, we share what Health and Wellness Coaches in particular, do and how they can help you make positive behavioural lifestyle changes that impact your life in the long run. 

“Health and Wellness Coaches are experts on lifestyle and human behaviour change, agents of change who fill a critical gap in our global healthcare systems by empowering people to cultivate personal agency, set and achieve health goals and build new health-supportive habits. No other health profession has that unique skill set.” (Global Wellness Institute: Wellness Coaching Initiative, 2022)

The key function of a Health and Wellness Coach is their ability to connect you to your deepest inner wants, values, and beliefs.

Health and Wellness Coaches encourage positive behaviour changes in areas such as nutrition and hydration, physical fitness, sleep, and stress management. In short, Health Coaches are expert facilitators of mindset and behaviour change that can bring about sustainable healthy lifestyles to prevent and treat disease, restore health, and foster well-being and thriving.

It’s important to note that dietitians, personal trainers, and psychotherapists provide similar services; the main difference is not in what is being addressed but rather in how they are addressed. 

A Health and Wellness Coach can even be someone part of your team supporting individuals by empowering them and building their confidence and connecting with their intrinsic motivation.

The coaching process is client-centered and is based on psychological theories called motivational interviewing. In individual conversations, realistic health goals are being explored and set together. In a collaborative style, the Health & Wellness Coach and the client strategize over, under, around, and through any barrier. Through nonjudgmental, open-ended questions, the bottom of the real drivers of our day-to-day behaviour is being explored. Strategies are co-created to make healthier choices that are personally meaningful and self-directed. This allows individuals to proactively take charge of their own health and welfare and supports them in reaching the ultimate goal of cultivating sustainable behaviour change.

In addition, having the individual identify and define an overall health and lifestyle vision is crucial in achieving long-term success. The Health Coach uses his or her skills to support the individual to connect this vision with their own values and strengths and to ensure that the goals they set are consistent with their vision.

When it comes to finding someone to help you get on track with your health goals, take your time. It’s a major decision, and you want to find someone you’re comfortable working with. Consider getting a Health and Wellness Coach who can provide you with the tools to understand better your unique health needs and how to address them best to become the happiest, healthiest version of yourself.

Core Collective is home to over 100 fitness, wellness, and lifestyle professionals who can help you live your best life. Click for a list of the services available and make an appointment with a Health and Wellness coach today!


Featured Contributor:

Christine Schedel left the corporate world in 2018 to become certified as a Health and Wellness Coach by The Coach Partnership and achieved the Associate Certified Coach (ACC) designation with the International Coach Federation (ICF).

Christine works with individuals across the globe and is passionate about supporting people in their health and wellness goals. Christine believes everyone needs an ally, someone who deeply cares, listens with compassion and empathy, and creates a safe and respectful environment that nurtures confidence and healing. She brings the value of a qualified health and wellness professional that is an expert in lifestyle and behaviour changes and about succeeding with those.

Find out more about Christine or make an appointment with her now today.